....these are the 12th scale Marguerite d' Anvers that I am currently working on. It is a wonderful and very detailed kit by Pascale Garnier of France. I have completed the actual flowers, but have added no leaves...(as yet)...as I am unsure if they are to be used in a vase or a planter, time & energy levels will decide...lol! To say that these kits are not time consuming would be a lie, but I think...(& hope)...the results speak for themselves.
Daisies are such a 'make you smile' flower, I think. You have done a brilliant job with these.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
I love looking at your pictures. Thanks for sharing your work and adventures.
WOW!!! They are BEAUTIFUL!!!! So real looking. You always make your flowers perfectly.
You will soon know how time consuming leaves are but it's worth the effort. I'm so pleased with mine. I have to take a pic with a better light.
BTW 20+ kits ??!! I have only 5 and I already despair. Minihugs Rosanna
beautifully done, Pascales kits are amazing!
I love the way the petals are arranged, some turning a little sideways etc! I try to do that with my embroidery but I don't think my fingers would manage these daisies, so well done Linda! Terryx
Simply stunning. I am so envious that you were able to get some of her kits. I long for them but sadly she does not seem to sell online at all. You have done a great job. Happy New Year Linda, Best wishes, Carol :)
m1k1...I am laughing as I write this....daisies do make you smile, I agree! But if you saw how my hands were shaking while I was cutting each petal....lol....there wasn't a lot of smiles, but certainly more so when each flower was finished!
Catherine...I feel a responsibility to the maker of the kits to (try) and do a good job of their work...I'm sure you feel the exact same way...?
Rosanna...yes, I realise that I actually have only completed really half of the job....perhaps the vase/planter comment was just a 'smoke screen....lol!
LRM...thank you!
You have done a beautiful job Linda, I just spent an afternoon making one flower, my very first, from a Bonnie Lavish kit. A lot of detailed work. I think your 20 kits should last until your next trip to Paris?
Oh, these are just gorgeous! I can imagine the trouble, but it is well worth it. Such loveliness.
Awesome work Linda! I don't know how you do it but your plants are incredibly realistic.
They are beautiful!!!
Beautiful work Linda,I'm gorious how they look when you have arranged them.Jeannette
Waow, ik dacht dat ze echt waren ! Veel werk, maar prachtig resultaat !!!
Your flowers look wonderful Linda, all your hard work is paying off..x
Linda keep up the good work - I'm sure Pascale would be proud of you. I could swear I was looking at the real thing!
They are so beautiful!!
Mini hugs
Pascale Garnier's kits are really very practical has to use and seem very natural, I made most of my flowers with these kits for the" maisonnette de mamy matou" and I am very satisfied with it.
It requires some patience, it is very long but the result is beautiful .
I add a little watercolor to give them an aspect even more true.
You did a wonderful job! They are very beautiful, Congratulations!
I have just sent you a mail.
They are amazing! So realistic... very beautiful. So it will be worth the time spend making them ;)
May I ask were I could buy these kits? Is there some on-line shop that sells her kits? And does the tutorial that comes with it, only have French language?
Warmest wishes, Jollie
Hello! Daisies are my favorite flowers and yours are wonderful! Pascale Garnier kits are fantastic and your job is very realistic!
Mini kisses
quedan realmente bonitas y quien diga que trabajar con un kit es sencillo es porque no lo a probado.
un abrazo
are really beautiful and anyone who says that working with a kit is easy is because it has proven.
a hug
Oh wow! For a second there I thought they were real full-size flowers! I can imagine it`s quite a bit of work to make them, but the result is really stunning!
How creative .. and it must take so much patience!!! they certainly look real!
Thanks for popping over my way.. I did as you suggested and have been admiring you Portofino shots!!! can't get enough of Italy... ciao xxx Julie
I wanted to let you know that I took your advice here, and I contacted Pascale. I just received the kits I ordered. They are soooooo tiny! I am going to get started on them soon and I will share with you how they turn out. Thank you so much for sharing about this.
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