So to celebrate the fact that "My Petite Maison" is for sale....(well, the book at least...lol!) I have a copy to 'give-away'!!!!......Very exciting!!!......Ok, you know what you have to do! Be a follower and leave me a comment and you are in with a chance to win one of these little delights!!
Visit Maria & her Etsy store at: http://ilcucchiainomagico.blogspot.com/
Also keep an eye open for Maia's 'Special Edition' of this book....I am so thrilled!!!
Please note....non-miniaturists who follow this blog are most welcome to join in, just keep in mind this is a miniature book (readable) that is only 1 inch high.
Thank you Maria for all your hard work and dedication to make this such an amazing little book and a celebration of the Petite Maison......Linda x
**When will I draw the winner.....In about a weeks time...?!** (or a bit longer...)
Congratulations for this amazing book!!! I would love to participate in your lovely giveaway,sweets regards from Spain,Sonia.
Felicidades¡¡¡¡ Es un libro maravilloso , una joya¡¡me encantaria participar en tu sorteo¡¡ Besos desde España¡¡
Es estupenda la miniatura del libro. María es una gran artesana. Me encantará participar en el sorteo. Y cuelgo la noticia en mi blog.
Llevo días intentando hacerme seguidora del blog y todavía no sé si lo he conseguido. El libro es una maravilla, acabo de comentarlo en el blog de María, pero también quería decírtelo aquí. Felicidades a las dos por ese maravilloso trabajo.
Un beso
Que preciosidad recoger en algo tan chiquito las fotos de un gran trabajo! me encantaría participar en tu sorteo y así ver más de cerca la Pepit Maison. Un beso.
Felicidades que maravilla, es precioso, un regalo magnifico a quien le toque, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, ahora mismo pongo el enlace a mi blog.Besos desde España
Amazing! This is a fabulous piece of work! I'd love to win it for a project that would have to feature this beauty!
Oh wow congratulations, how cool and cute is that, wonderful giveaway good luck all xx
Oh Linda! What an amazing giveaway!!! I would LOVE to be a participant! I am sure I will be tempted to buy a copy if I am not lucky enough to be the winner! Your Maison is SO beautiful ..... I am sure the book on it is Super special!
me encantaria participar en el sorteo. lo subo a mi blog
Muitos parabéns pela publicação miniatura!
O livro é lindo!
Eu admiro muito o seu trabalho, muito mesmo!
Comprei a revista miniaturas nº 148 por causa do seu trabalho, agora adoraria ter a sorte do livrinho vir cá para casa, era uma honra!
Obrigada pela oportunidade!
Linda, the book looks really special, but then so does your mansion! I have a collection of readable mini booksand would love to add that one to my library.
How wonderful to have such an exquisite litle book on your own mansion. I would love to have it for my Victorian doll house.
congratulations on being 'published' :D please count me in :D Linda x
OH WOW!!!! Congratulations! I am so thrilled to see they are for sale now. This is very exciting.
:-) A SPECIAL edition! Good Heavens! I am imagining leather bound and signed by the author.
OMG! You're famous! There is a book box and a very pretty photo of you in her Etsy shop. What a great special edition.
Now... I have to start working on you to do your 1: 1 scale book of your photos of Paris and the French country side.
Congratulations! I'd be proud to win such a gift!
OH-MY-GOOD-NESS!!!! I can't believe you're giving one away!!!! I just saw Maria's post about it being in her Etsy shop. I think I'll try mt luck here and if not I'll have to start thinking about where I'll get the money from to get one from Etsy.....LOL. A chance to win this AMAZING book truly is an awesome giveaway. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous, Linda! =)
Wow! I have to be in this one! the book looks wonderful! thankyou Linda, I'll keep my fingers and legs crossed! Terryx
Es una oportunidad grandiosa de tener ese libro, gracias por anotarme en el sorteo, lo anuncio en mi blog.
Un abrazo
A lovely book about a lovely house!
I would love to participate in your giveaway!
Bonjour Linda,
Will I be lucky enough to win this fanstatic little book ?
I hope so...
Bonne journée
how nice to be published... i would love to have a chance of winning one of these.. please put me in the draw and i'll keep my fingers crossed. :)
I feel a great emotion scroll around projects like this, and this is proof that this virtual world is a magical place, full of stimuli and ideas, not a black hole as many skeptics believe!
Once again, I'm here to testify that my life has taken a turn quite different from when I came across by chance, the blog of "Une petite folie", so I am involved mainly a tribute to you, dear Linda, and to great talents that revolve around your dollhouse, and the wonderful people that everyday animate the miniatures web space :-)
Mini lovely hugs,
It is so great to have a story about your miniature house in miniature.Please count me in:)
Maria work is great and your maison is wounderfull!
This give away is a double art celebration!Please count me in it!
I hope to be lucky!
Congrats to you and thanks so much!
Amazing work! The book looks so cute. Thank you for the chance to win this tiny cutie :)
Hello Linda, yes I have been follower long time. I visit here many times a week. The book is so cute. Please count me in. I would like win that wonderful book.
Hugs Kati
What a wonderful little book Linda. Can see why you are proud. Would love to be included in your draw. Thank you Jain xx
It is a lovely miniature book, Linda. You have to be very proud because from now "My petite maison" by Linda Carswell will be in the bookcase all over the world (well, minibookcase..., lol).
Maria did a great work.
I would like participate on your giveaway. Please, count with me.
What an amazing book and what a wonderful idea:) Please me count in your giveaway.
A wonderful book! I want her to win! Thanks for the chance to receive giveaway.
Congratulation! I would love to win that book!
I want to participate!!
Count me in! :)
Hugs from Madrid
Linda, congratulations on this beautiful book! Would you please count me in for your giveaway?
You always presents your followers with your art. Now another wonderful gift. Grateful for your generosity.
A big hug.
Lovely little gift please add me to the list!
OK I told myself I would not enter any more give-aways for a while as I have won two over the past two weeks, but seriously, how can I let this one go by without taking my chance?
The little book is very special and looks very good as well, a great cooperation between you and Maria!
~*Please enter me into your drawing! I LOVE miniatures, miniature books are AWESOME!*~ :o)
I visited her Etsy shop and blog. Thank you for sharing the link to her tiny world! I love the book that she has created with all of the beautiful images from your world!
Oh my goodness, I'd love a copy! I already am a follower. Thanks so much!
An absolutely wonderful book!
Please count me in your giveaway!
Beautiful and I love to join your give away
Hugs Sylvia
How exciting!
What a beautiful and generous giveaway.
It would be wonderful to have this book to be able to have at home photos of your gorgeous and elegant house.
Please count me in!
That book is wonderful!!! I would love to have a chance of winning it.
Oh Linda what a fantastic give-away. Please count me in, this book would give me the kick-start I need to make time for minis again. Best wishes, Carol :)
The book is too lovely for words,. what a treasure, Jackie
How precious! Please count me in!
I have never seen a readable mini book! This must be amazing!
Congratulations on both your little mansion AND little book! :D
Hi your little book looks amazing how lovely !! I to would like to participate in the giveaway wonderful.!
I would love to own a copy of your wonderful little book!
I would like to partecipate very much!!!! This is a greatest job!!
Ooo what a beautifull little book!! Yes I would love to participate in your giveaway! Marja
Linda, your book created by Maria is fantastic. You have inspired me to join my first blog to have a chance to win this amazing book. Pls enter me in your draw. I am glad to hear we can purchase one if we don't win. Thx again.
Linda, I would love to participate in this wonderful giveaway! I think your book will look so wonderful in between my mini Lea book and the book on Queen Mary's dollhouse!! I love your "Maison". What fun to have it in miniature!!
Please count me in!!
I love miniature books, and would like to win your book!
E' proprio vero...quando nelle cose che fai i metti passione e amore questo è il risultato: un CAPOLAVORO!!!
E' meraviglioso...partecipo anche io naturalmente sperando di vincere.
Pick me! Pick me! S'il vous plait!
Miniatures AND Paris? A dream blog that doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!! Merci Madame!
The book is fantastic! Please count me in!!
Mini hugs, Bridget
Wonderful! This book is fantastic. Count me in your giveaway, please.
I put the link on my blog.
Bye Faby
Wow what a beautiful book. I would love to be in with a chance to win something so wonderful. Thank you. :)
Es un precioso libro, Maria es una gran artesana.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Ooo... enter me please!!! =)
Linda...told you Petite Maison deserved her own "book"!! Hugs, Sharon
How cool! I would love to be entered! It would make a wonderful mini addition to my mini bookstore!
I'd love to join this unique opportunity Linda! How exciting!
I really like your blog!! i love the flower shop post !!! we own also a flowershop in Holland !!..i have been in Paris 4 times now the city is so great !!...have a nice sunday ....i follow you too....finally it works today your button !!...love Ria...xxx.....oh and please please count me in what a sweet give away.....my next post wil also be a give away.....please come and join it this week.....xxx...bisous Ria..
What a great give away, I would love to participate.
Hi! The book is very cute! Please count me in for the giveaway!
Es una maravilla de libro!! Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, muchas gracias! besitos
Congrats on your new book! I LOVE miniature books and would love to win! Thank you for the opportunity! My blog giveaway is happening at the same time. I have Victorian-style miniatures in my giveaway at www.plushpussycat.com.
What a wonderful Book! And in a glorious blog!
I am your new follower. I would love to take part into your giveaway. Please count me in. I`ll put a link into my blog.
¡¡¡Que preciosidad!!!
Es una autentica maravilla asi que le pedire a la diosa fortuna que lo envie a mi casita.
Gracias por tu generosidad.
Un libro maravilloso, me encanta participar en este sorteo, lo pongo en mi blog.
Un saludo
How absolutely gorgeous! Please include me in your giveaway....I would absolutely love to win this!! Thanks for the chance to win this lovely lovely book!
Sooooooo nice! I would LOVE to participate! Thanks!
Felicidades por el libro, es una maravilla, me encantan los libros y este quedaria genial en mi casa, jejejeje apuntame al sorteo, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, gracias, besos.
Oh, I would love to have such a BEAUTIFUL and READABLE book in my dollhouse! Please, count me in!
What an adorable little book! You did a fantastic job making it!
Davvero meraviglioso partecipo con piacere.
Congratulations for this lovely book!!! Maria works very very well and your "Petit maison" is beautifull!
I 'd like to participate in your giveaway and I 'd love to win !!! I put your link on my blog.
Thanks for this opportunity and mini hugs
Very cool book! Congrats!
Oh what a nice book. That's a great giveaway. I will be a follower and put you on my blog. Thank you.
Thankyou for this wonderfull giveaway!!!
And Congratulations for this book!!!
It's great!!!
I would love to participate in your lovely giveaway
Thank you somuch
Tu seguidora 960 te saluda, tu libro es de lujo, como a todo el mundo me gustaría tenerlo, pienso hacer una escena de un escritorio antiguo para estudio, y tu libro sería la joya de la corona.Te añado a mi blog.
Thank you for your inspiring blog, love to drop by and see all your pretty posts!
Regards, Marina
This is gorgeous. I would love to win a copy.
Your giveaway is sooo amazing! Please include me in your giveaway! I will post your giveaway on my blog's sidebar.
Hugs, Petra
El libro es espectacular!!
Me gustaria participar en el sorteo, por favor Linda, puedes contar conmigo??
Lo anunciare en mi blog.
Oh I think this teensie book would be the perfect addition to my French book fetish!
A fabulous little book for a fabulous house! Perfect!
I love your blog! I would so like to participate in the draw for the book. Thanks for sharing your fabulous work!
A lovely book.
I would love to participate in your giveaway!
Un bel hommage à cette petite maison , je participe avec plaisir.
Concratulations with this beautiful book about a beautiful house, please count me in for your give away
Such a tiny, sweet book, Linda! What a great tribute to your work ~
Please add my name to the giveaway
that is so awesome , yes count me in , wonderfull
Oh, how darling! I would love to be included in this giveaway, thanks so much for the opportunity! :)
Now, I'm off to visit Maria's shop. :)
Un si petit livre pour une si grande réalisation! J'en rêve!
What an amazing little book, it's absolutely gorgeous. Of course I'd love to win it :) With so many entries all I can say is Good Luck everyone!
Hi Linda, here I'm, I could not make any comments anymore....
Your little book is soooo beautiful, will you count me in?
Good luck for all of you!
* marlies
Un libro maravilloso!!! seria todo un lujo el tener el libro,me gustaria participar.Lo anuncio en mi blog.
What a cute book! Enjoy following your blog.
Hola! me encantaria participar, el libro es precioso. Un saludo, Núria
Lovely Book endeed! I love to follow Your Beautiful Blog.
Hi Linda! I hope I am not too late for participating as well to your so beautiful give away! A book about your so beautiful house and I have to go to Maria blog and to some others ones I have seen leaving a comment. Here everything is nice and we are getting beautiful days! (I am off and can do minis, finally LOL) Doei, claude
I've just discovered your blog and can I say what an inspiration your lovely house is!
I have an unfinished dolls house that's been gathering dust because I have been unable to decide how I want to style it-your blog has given me so many ideas and renewed my enthusiasim. Thanks for sharing your wonderful hobby :)
Thanks for such a nice giveaway! Please include me.
Good luck with the draw Linda, what a marvelous prize to win!
the teeny winsy little book looks adorable and surely is a collectors item. of course DD and I will hold thumbs for this one! have a lovely weekend
hugs and xxx
Linda thank you for such a unique give away. I would love to have such a beautiful book in my mini home and it depicts such a beautiful house, fingers crossed, Jackie
Linda, I would love to enter your giveaway. That little book is darling. Thanks for the chance.
Por favor estaria encantada de poder participar en tan magnifico sorteo, subo encantada el aviso a mi blog, un beso.
Felicidades!!!, es precioso tu librito, me encantara articipar en tu sorteo, saludos desde Mexico. Ana
Dear Linda, What an honour to have your beautiful house featured in its own miniature book. It is very kind of you to give one of these books away. I'd love to join in the giveaway. Even if I don't win, I shall be buying a copy to put on the coffee table of my dolls' house- when it eventually gets finished! Love Christina
Please count me in!!!
Hi Linda, I hope it's not too late to join your wonderful giveaway ! Your "Petite Maison" is amazing and now a little book so beautiful, it's a perfect talented combination, yours and those of Maria ;) Thanks for the chance. Have a nice sunday
je voudrais acheter le mini livre
"ma petite maison"
comment peut- on se la procurer
je suis allée sur Etsy ,et je n' ai
rien vue
je posséde le livre en grande taille
il est superbe
merci de me renseigner
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