Saturday, August 31, 2013

je ne sais quoi....

What is it about Paris that has stolen my heart.....'I know not what'!! But what I do know is that I am drawn like a moth to a flame when I see gorgeous ornate details such as these over windows and door ways. I long to return and look forward to doing so.....(very soon!!!)

This is just another quick post today. I have just had a lovely (long) conversation with a dear (miniaturist) friend on the other side of the world, we are both so very concerned by the fact that many of our favorite bloggers are going 'by the by'. I do hope some of you are still out there.....hello....anyone????


Josje said...

I have noticed it too Linda. But I am guilty of not posting much also. For me it is partly due to the wonderful summer we are having, and partly because I am renovating my work room which means most of my tools and materials are packed away. So I don't have much to post about. My renovation is almost finished though so I'm sure I'll be back to more regular posting soon.

I am looking forward to a post on your new miniature project!! ;-)

Bambi said...

I'm still here! and as I type on my ipad (which I love) I hope my comment will get through as quite often it doesn't! I've been babysitting interstate as'll know how compelling that is Linda - do wish I didn't have to hop on a plane to do so lol! I'm looking forward to all your new Paris Pictures, exciting days!

Bambi said...

I'm still here! and as I type on my ipad (which I love) I hope my comment will get through as quite often it doesn't! I've been babysitting interstate as'll know how compelling that is Linda - do wish I didn't have to hop on a plane to do so lol! I'm looking forward to all your new Paris Pictures, exciting days!

Diane said...

I agree that many people have stopped blogging. But I'm still here and will continue to blog. I have had one of the busiest summers that I can remember.

Absolutely love your photos!

rosanna said...

Ciao Linda
like Josje I am ridden out of home by the most gorgeous summer we enjoyed in the last few years.
Sun is brilliant, seawater is blue and green and so warm that it is like being in the Caraibians, my cicle sings pretty tunes to me and I simply cannot resist.
I expect to be back to mini world as soon as the weather will be gray and damp again. Hopefully not too soon ;o)
More over I have been diagnosed 3 neck hernias! they give me pain to the hands and both my ring and little fingers are dumb,insensitive and give me great problems.
this is one of the reasons why I had to give up stitching: the bent position of the neck was causing me far too many problems. The same with tipying
But I shall be back soon :o))

Tabitha Corsica said...

I think Facebook has had a very negative impact on blogging and bloggers. I miss my favorites, too ... and I have been guilty of totally neglecting my own blog as well.

We must all try to do better :-)

Catherine said...

Hi Linda,

WOW such gorgeous photos! I just love seeing them.

I am also very unhappy that so many people have vanished and some totally. So many post on Facebook now rather then sharing on their blogs.

Those who are enjoying the best summer Europe has had in a very long time... I can't blame them one bit!!! Friends in England tell me it has been the best summer they have had in SEVEN years.

miniacollection said...

I too am still here. I love blogs.

Véronique said...

Well I'm new both in the miniature world as at blogging! I hope I don't end up all alone in a blogging desert. I have to admit, I have picked the worst season to start blogging. The weather is too good to not enjoy it as long as we can. A few months ago I had never heard of 1:12. Now I'm wondering why making such a mini thing can take days and days. That sure limits the number of posts. I've never watched so much glue dry...


Marie Arden said...

I am a blogger still out there and I check your blog very often. I do not make doll houses but I enjoy all the Paris photos and the skill you have! I will be in Paris soon and will tell Paris you miss her!

Isabel Ruiz said...

Después de unas buenas vacaciones en las que confieso he visto pocos blogs, vengo dispuesta a seguir disfrutando de todas las publicaciones. Me encanta tu blog. Me gusta París, sus calles, jardines y casas. De hecho, una foto tuya, ha sido la inspiración del balcón que he realizado para mi casa.

Léa said...

I'm here, too, Linda… ♥
And each time I make an update on FB, I do it also on my (2) blogs. (I try.)

Be sure that you give joy and dreams (I'm sure many people are happy to see your photos, as they would be in your shoes when you come to France), even if they do not leave comments.
I noticed that too, but I think those that no longer update their blog are probably occupied by their privacy and I know they spend time to time, take a small part of the dream before returning to a world may be less pleasant.

Be sure that I'm waiting for your new project. And I will come to see and to delight me. :D

Stacey in New Mexico USA said...

I am not a blogger but I am a following fan! I check your bloc often, Linda, from Albuquerque New Mexico USA. I am always sad when there is nothing new and I check it less and less these days. I guess it is difficult to blog when you have a wonderful and busy I certainly understand! I do enjoy any and all tidbits you share!

Norma Bennett said...

I think we all have seasons in our lives and for many blogging may have been a season that has passed, or they may have moved on to exercise their creativity in other fields, or decided that Facebook/Instagram etc suits them better. It's all part of the wax and wane of life I think and we cannot stop it any more than we can stop the tide from going in and out. And there are nice new blogs and bloggers out there too so there is gain as well as loss :)

Flora said...

Dear Linda, I am also here :-)
I do not write a post for four months and I can barely write some comments, but I can assure you that it is not lack of love for the blog or for miniatures, indeed: they are two life reasons for me!
Simply: I am swallowed up in this period of a thousand things to do, and I miss the inspiration, the "mood", as they say in English, to share the news in miniature. Because miniatures require time and patience, calm and concentration, all of which at this time I miss!
I hate the idea that Facebook is the cause for all the others, for this inaction: I have elsewhere expressed my opinion on the fact that social networks are superficial, and are selected exclusively for commercial purposes.
Money moves the world, but I prefer the reassuring atmosphere of the blog :-)
Your lovesickness to Paris is more than shared, and you would not be more than you, without your wonderful postcards from the the Ville Lumiere :-)
Lovely hugs from Italy,

Susan@minicrochetmad said...

I'm present Ms. Carswell! loving blogs and loving your blog in particular but I don't feel I've had a lot worth writing about in my own blog for a while. My crochet has been a bit on the repetitive side for the last year or more so nothing new to share.

elizabeth s said...

Hi Linda! I have only been blogging since last Christmas and already I feel myself slowing down. I love it but like Norma says there is a time and a season for everything. Sometimes the energy is high and then it tapers off for a while before it picks up again. But one thing that I have found and that is if you really enjoy something you can always find a way to indulge it; whether it is travel,gardening, cooking, blogging, miniatures etc.... Where there is a will and a desire, there usually is bound to be a way.
So in the end, I guess it all depends on what ones priority is.


Marie said...

Un grand bonjour de Belgique :) encore de très jolies photos de Paris, ça fait rêver ! Et oui comme dit dans les différents commentaires, je pense que beaucoup d'entre nous ont profité de ces beaux jours, tellement rares. Il y a milles choses à faire et du coup peut-être moins de temps pour le blog ?
D'ailleurs, je ne suis pas très appliquée non plus. Je viens souvent faire un tour sur les blogs, lire et admirer mais j'écris peu de commentaires. Il faut que je fasse un effort, ça serait dommage de perdre tout cela.
Je vous souhaite une très belle journée et à très bientôt Linda :) said...

I have recently entered the world of dollhouse and made my blog. I cercarto other blogs of miniatures and I discovered that there are many of this passion, I love to watch and learn from you experts. Your beautiful blog is an inspiration to us beginners. Thank you.

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan said...

We are here Linda
But has a good season, it is true that blogs are a bit abandoned, now raw immediacy of Facebook.
  Many people prefer the quick view and gossip, that the contemplation of a beautiful photos on a blog. Regrettable.

Daydreamer said...

Hi Linda, I am here... I have only been a blogger for three plus years, but I am committed for the Long Run! I find it much more fun and easier to follow than facebook! At least with blogs I will see the posts of those I follow and know the subjects will be about (mostly) miniatures! It is sad when blogs you love suddenly go silent... but as Norma said.... that is part of the flow of peoples lives. I LOVE your creations and find both them and your Photos to be Hugely inspiring!! So I hope you do not give up your own love of minis... and that you will keep us followers nourished with Paris seen in the best light and through the eyes of a Great photographer! I know I am sometimes guilty of not commenting when I read blogs... I will try to be better about that, because I know how much the feed-back helps me stay feeling connected to all the others out there who just LOVE minis! I look forward to seeing your next Paris visit.... Soon?