Saturday, November 9, 2013


I hope you like the few photos I selected for you. Enjoy x


Catherine said...

Bonjour Linda ,
Est ce qu un petit rendez vous est possible dans un petit café ? Avec moi et Marie Laure . mon adresse ....j'ai un bon traducteur sur mon iPhone . Je vous embrasse .

Catherine / Mooghiscath said...

Moi qui suis plutôt "campagne" et pourtant près de Paris 35 km , je visite toujours avec plaisir en photo Paris avec toi .Ce que j'aime regarder la nuit lorsque je suis en voiture ce sont les plafonds dans les beaux appartements avec leurs moulures et lustres clinquants.

Catherine said...

I don't know how you do it. They are always perfect. What a beautiful city!

Daydreamer said...

Oh, how Lovely to stroll the parks and streets of Paris! I am sure ANY time of year it is Beautiful... yes, even cold windy gray February! The architecture and the shop windows and the places to visit... the cafes to recoup in... and now as the Holidays approach... they will be even more festive.... C'est Toujours Paris!

Troy said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing them with us.

rose cat cottage said...

Hi Linda! Enjoy your trip <, I was over there 2 weeks ago and I know what you meaning by walking / shopping and stopping sometimes... Don+t miss 2 things if you have time
- palace of the archives nationales with its beautiful garden )to do on afternoon
- Carnavalet museum ) I did not have the chance to go to the exhibition about the garde robe of a Parisian from Belle epoque to 1930´s

Bon sejour! Claude

Susanne said...

Hi Linda, Great Pictures! Makes me miss Paris and the source of inspiration it allways is. Have to go there soon again ;-)
Best, Susanne

12Create said...

I love the sound of sitting in a Paris café and watching the world go by. Thank you for sharing the photos - always lovely to see.

miraclechicken said...

Stunning as usual! You can't tell from these pictures that the weather is less than perfect---

Margaret said...

What fabulous style in everything from statuary to fences and gates, they are all works of art. Great photos Linda, hope you enjoy many spare moments watching the world go by in some gorgeous cafe.

miniacollection said...

The real Parisian life!!! Thank you for all these beautiful photos.
Please contact me to see if we can find a date to meet. It will have to be a Sunday, if you don't wish to come to Orléans I can come to Paris, in that case Why not meet with others in that case? Just a thought...

John said...

How I wish I were there, too! Thanks for the gorgeous photos.

Marisa said...

oh I just love your photos thank you ever so much for posting them :)
